Thursday, February 28, 2019

february 28

Given what we've learned about the Bishop of Digne, Jean Valjean, and Fantine, it seems that Hugo believes that formative experiences are important influences on who we become in life.  So far, Cosette has had it kind of rough.  She was abandoned by her mother, she was treated poorly and differently from the other children in the house, and she is about to learn that her mother is dead.  What possible effects do you think this will have on Cosette?  Will she overcome a difficult beginning, in the way that Jean Valjean managed to become a decent person, or will she become bitter and resentful?  Explain your answer.

1. Journal
2. Les Mis: reading
3. Choices: lit circles, blogs, reading

What are the ingredients for a happy adulthood?  How much does this depend on one's childhood?  (title: RECIPE FOR A HAPPY LIFE)

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