Wednesday, March 6, 2019

evaluating lit circle docs

Here's how:

1.  Create a post on your blog (title: REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK) in which you write, "Hi and thanks for visiting.  If you've read my Lit Circle Doc, can you please leave a comment?  I'm interested in your feedback, questions, and suggestions.  Thank you.")
2. Go to the list of Lit Circle Docs.
3. Choose a link and click to read it.
4. Ask yourself the following questions and take notes on your answers:
  • How many vocabulary words do they have?
  • How many connections do they make between Les Mis and other books/movies/plays/real life/etc.?
  • How many allusions did they research and explain?  Did they just define them, or did they connect them with the book?
  • Can you tell from their notes whether they've discussed meaningful questions?
5. Visit the blogs for the members of the group.
6. Find their REQUEST FOR FEEDBACK post and use your notes to comment.
7. *Save your notes -- you will be using them tomorrow with your own lit circle to improve your Doc.

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thank you

As often as I say it, I feel like I don't say it often enough: Thank You. Thank you for your effort, your insight, your willingness...